Tuesday, January 7, 2020


We are far too wise a nation (even considering our relative youth compared to many other countries) to follow a con man into war.

Starting from that premise, the mystery is how close we are to doing exactly that. Following this idiot savant who has talent only in convincing people that down is up, ignorant is intelligent, and lies are truth is beyond my imagining, yet here we are.

He manages to cause us, over and over, to waste time, energy, and attention on his latest manufactured distraction.


If it takes until November to make it clear he is no longer welcome in the people's house on Pennsylvania Ave in DC, so be it. There need be no doubt! We all can join together and kick him to the curb.

Those 60 million who still want him in office? Can we ship them back to where they came from: Duh&droolistan??

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