This year, we are participating in Restaurant Week by having dinner at two places we have never visited--that's right, folks, we are completely on-the-edge people, willing to cut new trails in our dining adventures through the unknown wilds of the Denver dining scene. You would think we would be wearing pith helmets, but we are trying to remain low-key.
Tonight, the opening night of the week, we will visit Solera, pictured above (we are really, really hoping for an indoor table, as it will be about 40 degrees F when we arrive). It is a restaurant which comes highly recommended, and we are looking forward to dinner there.
Six nights from now, on the closing night of Restaurant Week, we will visit the new incarnation of Mel's Bar and Grill. It will be Julia's birthday, so I'm sure there will be celebutantes and rock stars coming by for autographs. Julia is always gracious, although she is wearying a bit of the constant and obsequious attention from some who shall remain nameless. They are only seeking to bask in the reflected spotlight, and it can become annoying, even for someone as sweet as Julia is.
Suffice it to say that we are happy to offer our appearances for no fee whatsoever as we support Denver restaurants, and we look forward to the chance to enjoy delightfully prepared meals for a spectacularly great price. It may be a mistake for me to publicize where we will be eating tonight and this coming Friday, but we will rely on the discretion of Denver's populace to allow us to enjoy our meals without undue interruption. Julia is willing to sign as she sips her coffee after dinner, so please restrict any requests for photos and autographs to that time.
As a confirmed foodie, it sounds like a FANTASTIC week to me. Julia will absolutely have a happy birthday, a celebration much deserved, just for being who she is, but special this year since you're also celebrating the birth of her new book.
It sounds like so much fun!
Love to you both,
Oh, dear. I wish I'd known earlier so I could come and get in on the autograph collecting. :( However, I will still wish Julia a very happy birthday.... even though she must celebrate it without my graces!
What a fantastic idea! I will have to pass this one on to the local restaurateurs association. Enjoy the meals, it's always fun to try something new.
FYI--in case you guys haven't caught on yet, my husband is a little full of beans sometimes...we were only interrupted once for an autograph, and that was for his on the credit card slip!
Dinner was fabulous and we had a blast!
O--you are so right! In fact, it is a serious challenge to decide where to eat each year. Last night was wonderful, I might add.
Lynilu--thanks for the good wishes! I'm betting we'll have at least as much fun on Friday as we did last night.
Syl--this year, many of the restaurants which are participating are even extending the offer for a second week. Particularly when folks are slow to spend money as they are now, offering a great deal is such a super idea for restaurants. The more who participate, the greater the demand, too!
Here's a funny moment from last night: Julia had not seen this blog post before we went to dinner, so she had no idea why I was so tickled when she told me that a table of three seated behind me had been staring at her all through dinner.
She told me only after they left, and I started laughing. I promised that she would get the humor as soon as she read this post.
As to her contention that I may be a bit full of it sometimes? Guilty.
Happy Birthday, Julia! I hope the tabloids are kind to you...
Wish a happy birthday to julia!!!!!
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This sounds wonderful, Rick. Enjoy! And Happy Birthday to Julia.
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