Tuesday, November 13, 2007

37days: Complaint-free update

Today dawns as Day 16 of my pursuit of 37 consecutive days of GWCC-free behavior (I continue to use Rebecca's abbreviation). As of this morning, I have strung together five days which have been free of complaining, criticizing, gossiping, and whining. Today is Day 16, and yet Day Six at the same time.

One careful and conscious note to self: don't get so emotionally invested in the consecutive-day run that you lose sight of the reason you are doing this! If I mess up today, tomorrow is Day One. It's just that simple. It won't be cause for knashing of teeth or a big depression. It will be, as Patti says, not punishment, but gift. If it takes me six months to string together a run as long as 37 days, that's perfectly alright.

My dream is to come away from this challenge with strongly ingrained new habits which allow me to connect with people more easily and avoid needlessly pushing people away for no reason other than my own lack of dignity in the moment. Not only do I see a difference in how I will interact with others, I see possible changes in the internal dialogue which plays in my brain. After all, the more you model a behavior externally, the more your mind allows as how that might be a good model internally. Forgive me for not knowing the name of this concept (beyond the popular definition of "fake it 'til you make it"). I can live it without naming it!


rebecca said...


Congrats on making it to Day 6! I've not reached that number yet, but continue trying.

"After all, the more you model a behavior externally, the more your mind allows as how that might be a good model internally."

Kelly said...

Um, let's see... belief follows behaviour? Whatever. Big congrats on making it to day six.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Rick on reaching day 6! It's great to read everyone's updates and see the commitment that's been given to this challenge. and yes, i've also gained many positive changes in my life by "faking it till I made it"!