Sunday, June 27, 2010

I don't buy into it

There are about half a billion experts in social media actively seeking clients today. Both of the folks who are regular users of social media and are not actively seeking to tout their expertise and monetize it are, as you can only imagine, somewhat overwhelmed by the onslaught of marketing material from all of those who are.

I enjoy listening to the occasional webinar done by one expert or another, purely for the entertainment value. Yes, I glean a shiny idea or two from those webinars, so don't let me convince you that I think I am above learning from the experiences.

Because I am not doing anything to make money from what I write here--I don't even have Google ads on my blog--I can freely and without any compunction of conscience poke fun at those who are planning to make a six-figure income this week from the internet.

There are some problems with the logic exhibited by the marketers of classes aimed at those same folks, they of the six-figure-income-this-week expectation.

If their program is so astonishingly powerful, why do they spend time trying to get my measly 47 bucks? Why not just run their systems, many of which are automated according to the marketing hype, and just keep swapping out the full bags of cash with empty ones to continue catching the flow of inbound money?

Remember this if nothing else sticks today: the only group which, as a whole, made money during any gold rush you might name were those who were selling goods and services to the miners/prospectors.

I'll bet there were merchants during the Crusades who followed along and sold goods to the heroes off on an adventure.

Today's equivalent in the internet world is the group who is offering to teach you, for only 47 or 97 or 749 dollars, how you, too, can grow wealthy while blowing your vuvuzela in support of your favorite World Cup team.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, criticize. Those who can market don't need to do much of anything, as there will always be someone who is willing to bet 47 bucks that the hypemeister can make them rich.


DreamTexan said...

I agree fully. If you start a pool on when the "social media marketing" bubble bursts I want in on it.
This is one of the reasons that I respect Jeanette Cates and Connie Green because each of them does tailor as much as possible the training they offer toward the clients they serve.

Rick Hamrick said...

Yes, Tony--there are people doing legitimate work in helping others establish a presence on the internet which supports their business. I have great respect for Jeanette and Connie! I have met other folks thanks to this blog challenge who are also doing work which is sustainable and which they are passionate about.

Totally different than the guy who, for 47 bucks, tells me, "grab the right domain names, pull content from EzineArticles for free, and you will make a million by Christmas!"

Lynilu said...

My late hub was always looking for that get-rich-quick-without-breaking-a-sweat scheme. As you say, they've been around a long time. By the time he passed away, his "fortune" was miniscule as compared to mine which was amassed a few dollars at a time in savings or a retirement plan as I could spare from my salary. Shoulder-to-the-grindstone may not be glamorous, but it pays off!

However, I do expect to write a best-selling novel and leave my kids rich. Bwaaa ha ha ha!!

Rick Hamrick said...

Honestly, Lyn, your spawn might be better off if you donate the proceeds rather than give them to the offspring.

Shoulder-to-the-grindstone is not accurate if you were loving what you were doing, Lyn!

Help me turn that myth around, my friend: work you love need not be grindstone-related.

In fact, it can invigorate you, allow you a longer, healthier life, and fill you with joy.

Give me an "amen!" Lynilu!!!

Sheila said...

Love the gold miner's perfect. You have really peaked my interest.

Insightful Nana said...

It goes to show me that there is always a way to make the gold miner story. You just have to be creative enough to find the your own way. Too many copycat marketers around!

Lynilu said...

Well, Rick .... AMEN!!!

However, I don't necessarily view "shoulder to the grindstone" as negative. Because it is the way that most of the good things in my life have come to me, I enjoy the fact that [whatever] is mine because I really made it happen. I agree, the labor isn't always fun, but the outcome is! Even work that isn't necessarily "fun" at the time brings a pleasure because I've usually learned something along the way. I think that is why I'm so full of life! I worked it, I earned it, I love it!

Most of my "money reinforced" work was joyful. I did enjoy my jobs, for the most part. Other than a couple of short-lived positions, it was good. Or I made it good. Whatever!

BTW, even when we could afford it, I required that my kids worked to pay their way. They bought their own cars, paid their own insurance, had spending money even while in high school. And when they went to college, I required that they work, if for nothing else, their spending money. Their father had a similar mind set. We helped them, but they didn't get a free ride from us. My son later told us that he thought at the time that we were the meanest parents in the world; however a couple years into his career, he realized that he felt ownership in his education and treasured it. Some of his friends who were "sent" to college didn't feel the pride he did.

I do believe what is earned is more valuable. And BTW, the kids have encouraged me to enjoy life and not worry about them! I dun gud!!

Rick Hamrick said...


I'm not at all saying there is something negative about working hard. What I am saying is, if you are able to find work you love, then working hard feels like Love!