Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I've looked at life from both sides now

This is a fun morning for me, as I have posts appearing in two different places which are quite different.

My friend Phil Gerbyshak posted an analysis I did of some numbers he posted on his blog yesterday, sating my urge to do some left-brain-based cogitation. It's about making sense of numbers; about interpreting what they may mean while resisting the temptation to read too much into them.

Today also happens to be the day that my most-recent Joyful Jubilant Learning post is published, and it is definitely a right-brain-inspired look at life. In fact, in some ways, it is the opposite of my post on Phil's blog: it glories in the not-knowing of life.

Not only that, it is a milestone post for me here on my very own front porch. Today marks my 196th post!! Yes, it is that all-important post which is the 7-squared-times-4 post. Seriously, how much more milestony could this be? It is even bigger than 147 was (7 squared times 3). Someday, I'll reach 245!

Today, Joni Mitchell's words fit really well for me:

It's life's illusions I recall.
I really don't know life, at all.


Julie said...

196! Woo Hoo!!!!

Rick Hamrick said...

Thanks, Julie! If I may say so myself, I don't think I look a day over 192.

Sylvain said...

Have you been eating the mushrooms on your front lawn again? :-)
Maybe I'm just tired.
Happy 196!!

Rick Hamrick said...

Thanks, Syl!

It's interesting you mention mushrooms--while we normally don't see them much in Denver (too dry), I imagine we'll see a few tomorrow thanks to two solid days of rain.

I will, thanks to your advice, refrain from nibbling.

Phil Gerbyshak said...

Here's to at least 196 more Rick!

Thanks for contributing to Slacker Manager...and to JJL...and to me! I'm delighted to share the podium with you, especially when you do such in depth analysis. VERY nicely done sir!

Rick Hamrick said...

Nice of you to stop by, Phil! It is certainly my pleasure to contribute, and Slacker Manager is always a good read, even if I don't always agree with you (grinning).

I'm glad that you actively seek to have some discussion of your posts on your site, as it adds to everyone's enlightenment.